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Mindful Mediation


"Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding."
Albert Einstein 

Why Mediation? 
Mediation allows you to design your own solution. A neutral third party, known as the mediator, assists the parties in reaching aa voluntaray beneficial solution. Mediation can resolve all underlying issues, not just the legal dispute. It can improve understanding with the other party. It can reduce bad feelings and 
hostility. Parties who mediate their disagreements usually experience higher satisfaction with the results than with court-ordered solutions. Mediation can help to mend a broken personal or business relationship.


Reasons to Use Mediation...





*Greater Control

*Preservation of Relationships

*Customized Agreements

*Future Problem Solving Skills


Mindful Mediation Is Different

Using the standard platform for mediation we have expanded that to include mindfulness practices that will allow for more productive and peaceful communications.


It is our intention as Mindful Mediators to not only hold space for positive solutions, but to also share tools that our clients can implement into their daily lives.







Let’s Work Together

Emily Jasenski has a long history working in the fields of mindfulness, meditation, group facilitation, and interpersonal communications. With a Bachelors degree in Communications from Wright State University, as well as her work with clients in a wide range of settings that involves holding space for growth and healing. Emily is well suited to help others to find peaceful solutions.

Tel: 937.417.3208

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