I have spent a great deal of my life disconnected to my own inner voice. This has led to distrust, apprehension, and ultimately anxiety about life. Throughout my personal journey I have found ways to tap in, primarily through meditation and yoga, but I still struggled. As I continued to learn about health, and the inner workings of the body I spent a considerable amount of time learning about trauma and the nervous system. It was through this inner work that I was able to identify my own personal trauma, and therefore was able to really see myself.
This has been years and years of work, which eventually led me to a place where I realized that I could not travel alone anymore. I needed help to uproot a deep issue that had been plaguing me.. This is where homeopathy came in. With one simply homeopathic remedy I was able to shed years and years of heavy trauma and fears. Was I then perfect? No, no one is, but it was a radical shift in my personal paradigm. From there I continued to work on my relationships, unpacking what no longer fit, and in many ways I will probably continue to do this as relationships are multifaceted with many layers.
When I began to apply daily practices of Tai Chi, rituals, and nervous system recalibration techniques I was, and am able to maintain an inner balance and peace that I have never before experienced. I very much felt safe to be me, to fully step into who I really am. Am I perfect? No. Does it mean that I never get scared or feel uncertain? No, but what it does mean is that I am able to recalibrate. I am able to feel, stand in my body, and breathe into whatever experience that I am having with hopes that I am able to handle it in a peaceful and mindful way. I am in the very early stages of taping into an inner magic that I know has been there for as long as I can remember, magic I will speak about more later.
For years as a Yoga teacher I worked privately with clients. During our time together we were supposed to be doing physical yoga, which we did, but I quickly learned that people need a minute. They need a minute to share what is on their hearts and minds. They need to feel seen and heard. They sometimes need help reframing their experiences in life. It all happened organically. I never once pretended that I was a therapist, nor did I act like one. I simply listened. I held space for what was, and I would help them to understand their experiences from a place of energy. I do this now with clients through the lens of energy medicine, aka homeopathy.
Well, now I am ready to bridge the gap. I have created a very unique offering, one that encompasses everything that I do, from movement, to mindfulness techniques, to energy work, and homeopathy. Together, through these practices you will leave our sessions feeling seen, heard, grounded and most importantly, rested on the soul level.
To learn more about this work that I am calling Embodiment Sessions, please click the link here...
So what CAN you expect?.....
These sessions will be a rich experience where we will identify the issues in your life that keep you in fight or flight, and/or in constant stress mode. We will then reframe this stress through storytelling and mindfulness practices. You will then learn some Tai Chi practices to help ground your energy. This will be given as homework, and you will be encouraged to continue to practice it on your own. You will then relax in a meditative state where you will receive a tuning fork treatment to recalibrate your energy body, as you allow all stress to drain away in a guided meditation. Homeopathic recommendations will also be available for those who choose that option.
You will leave feeling restored, relaxed and fully embodied. Join me!